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Patient and Visitors Guide

Guide to optimizing your clinical care experience with MLHC

Due to limitations in current digital health systems, the consulting physician must review information from multiple sources in conjunction with the history you provide to synthesize a holistic narrative and well-informed recommendation. This includes the hospital health records, provincial health data repository, diagnostic imaging portals, and blood laboratory database. This work is often done prior to or during your consultation appointment.

Do NOT assume we have ready access to all of your health records or prior medical assessments.

Information from patients and caregivers that can be particularly helpful include:

  • A timeline and description of your symptoms, and in particular self-management, over the counter, and prescription treatments that you have already tried.  Be as specific as possible.
  • Ensuring that your primary care physician has sent us the medical notes from your other specialists especially cardiologists, allergists, ENT doctor, and rheumatologist.
  • Make sure you advise us of emergency room visits or admissions to any hospital in recent years.

Preparing for Your Appointment

Whether you have an in-person or virtual appointment, preparation is encouraged to ensure an optimal healthcare experience. Please click on the appropriate link below to review recommended pre-appointment considerations and activities.

Clinic Updates

Patient Resources

Prepare for your Appointment

Doctor and patient icon

In-Person Visit

Please note that in accordance with provincial regulations, all patients and employees are required to wear a mask while at the centre, regardless of COVID-19 vaccination status.  

To minimize waiting room crowding, we ask that you arrive at the clinic no more than 15 minutes before your in-person appointment. Please bring your medications and inhalers to the appointment.

Medical kit icon

Virtual Visit

Virtual (telehealth) appointments can be arranged by phone or secure video conference. These types of visits mean that patients do not have to drive to MLHC, pay for parking, nor walk to or sit in a waiting room. 

Please ensure you are well prepared for your virtual visit by reviewing the list below.  

Medical kit icon

Preferred Video Conference Platform

Our clinic uses a secure healthcare privacy compliant platform that operates on most devices that have a microphone and camera. This includes iPhone and Android smartphones and tablets, Windows and Mac computers, and Chromebooks.

You do NOT need to create an account. Select “Join Meeting” near the bottom of the screen. 

Doctor typing on keyboard

Secure Health Messaging

As consumer Email does not provide adequate safeguards and privacy protection, we prefer to use a tool that is integrated into our Electronic Medical Record system to transmit confidential health information to patients. We use a service called Medeo Health. The cost is covered by the Mississauga Lung Health Centre, and free to patients.

You do not need to register for an account in advance of your appointment.

The tool is available as a mobile app on your iPad, iPhone, or Android device.

Appropriate uses for Secure Messaging:

Please note that this link is only for NON URGENT administrative questions/requests. It is not to replace an in person medical visit. All messages are answered in 3-4 business days, during regular business hours. If you need urgent attention, please call the clinic during office hours or go to your nearest ER.

Doctor typing on keyboard

Clinic Updates

Attention: Patients of Dr. Landman

Dr. Landman is moving clinic locations on September 25, 2024

His new clinic location is:
New Best Care Medical Centre
720 Burnhamthorpe Road West
Unit 4
Mississauga, ON
Phone 905 848 8686
Fax 905 848 8796

If you have an appointment on September 25, 2024 and onward with Dr. Landman, your appointment will take place at the New Best Care Medical Centre as above, about a ten-minute drive from Mississauga Hospital, at Mavis Rd and Burnhamthorpe Rd West.  Appointments up to and including on September 24, 2024 will proceed as scheduled at the 89 Queensway West location.”

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